We are delighted to announce that Avonline Networks is extending its Consumer Pre-Enablement (CPE) footprint into the South East region.
This further strengthens our relationship with Virgin Media O2 as we will now deliver three out of seven regions, this is testament to the positive relationship we have developed with Virgin Media O2 over the last 30 years, combined with our leading performance which they have become accustomed to on the Project Morpheus contract since April 2020.
This opportunity is fantastic news for us all at Avonline Networks, it cements our position for a further five years with Virgin Media O2 as their partner of choice in supporting the build and maintenance of their Hybrid Fibre Coax (HFC) and Fibre-to-the-Premises (FTTP) network, helping them to deliver their ambition of 23 million premises by the end of 2028.
This will involve the transfer of c.200 people, doubling the size of our consumer business.
This is a hugely exciting opportunity for Avonline, as safely delivering what we promise, in a quality manner remains core. Thank you all those involved, as without your continued hard work and support, this would not have been possible.